Our Daily Schedule
The school door stays locked except for the first hour and last hour of the day. If you arrive outside of those time frames please text or call a teacher to open the door. At arrival, your child will be greeted by a teacher and this is the signal to the guardians that the care of the child is now transferred to the teacher.
Examples of activities:
Care of self (bathroom and hand washing) Walking on the line, care of the environment, games, and outside play.
Our day
Practical life lesson
Lesson focusing on one of the curriculum areas
Music, Poems, Songs, Sign language
Individualized lessons
Small group lessons
Snack will be available for children to prepare and eat
Bible Lesson and/or story, music, walking the line and extensions, care of the environment, games, prayer.
During this time, children will eat their lunch brought from home and involve themselves in quiet time activities: puzzles, books
Children will either nap or involve themselves in quiet time activities: sleep/nap stories, puzzles, books, or quiet work choices
Children can get their end-of-day energy out during playtime.